MI mission

Hey there!

Thanks for checking out my blog! Before you dive in, allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Mikayla Bouchard, I just finished my junior year at Michigan State University where I am majoring in Theatre and International Relations. Interesting combination, you say! I know, and I'm the first to admit it. I have a passion for relationships; the ones we see develop in a story onstage or on film and the relationships that drive society and public policy. I jump at the opportunity to combine expression with politics and here is one such opportunity!

I am blessed with the most amazing family and friends in the world. They have supported me in my every endeavor so when my dad, Mike Bouchard, announced his campaign for Governor, I was eager to do my part to help. This election comes at an integral point in both of our lives. I have seen my dad's career as a legislator, police officer and entrepreneur develop to the point where he is uniquely prepared to become our next Governor. At the same time, I near the end of my college education and look to begin a career of my own. Like many of my friends, I fear that the current status of Michigan and her economy will not provide the life and job I am looking for.

For those reasons and many others, I am bringing a new voice and perspective to this campaign. I want to introduce you to my dad and give you a behind the scenes look at our journey on the campaign trail. Along the way, I hope to meet and talk with many of you who also want to see a brighter future for our Great Lake State! Let's put an end to job loss, debt, corruption and moving vans heading out of Michigan. It's time we, as the next generation, make a difference in this next election. I encourage you to get to know the candidates. I'm sure that you will agree that Mike Bouchard is the best choice for Governor!


Tuesday, June 1, 2010


           Memorial Day weekend brings a certain amount of reflection to every American. The weekend full of parades, barbeques, family and friends and remembrance is watched over by the bright American flag as it sways in the summer breeze. The sacrifices made by men and women who proudly wore that same flag on their uniform as they fought and sacrificed for the American way of life, is something that one day of remembrance can hardly repay. Over the weekend, my family was in numerous parades across the state and as I passed veterans along the parade route (who all still look smashing in their uniforms!), I couldn’t be more thankful for their sacrifice to protect our homes and our way of life.
            The word “homes.” There is no more perfect topic for my first blog post. I have been told that a house becomes a home when it is full of life, memories, loved ones and good times like we all shared this past weekend. When I come home from college, I know my mom will greet me with the front door open and maybe my favorite flowers on my bedside; little things that put a smile on my face and are unique to home. “Homes” is also a word that is deeply apart of the Michigan way of life. Ever since I sat in my fourth grade class after learning the state motto and singing the Edmund Fitzgerald, I was so impressed that all I had to do to think of the Great Lakes was say “HOMES.” Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie and Superior! They are a resource and a lifeline that has made us the Great Lake State with pleasant peninsulas, four seasons, and generations of family history. 
            I believe that the job of a government is to provide security—physical and economic security. Every generation has a call to duty, our service men and women and our veterans answered their call as they donned a uniform and protected their homes abroad. Currently, a different danger is threatening our homes, economics. Every 12 minutes another family leaves the state, changing our way of life and putting a home on the market as a house.
            It is all too real to me. Last month I hugged my friends as they graduated college and made plans to move and start their careers—New York, Chicago, Austin, Washington DC, nowhere in Michigan. My friends are saying farewell to their families and homes to take their education, personality and potential to another state and city rather than continuing our Michigan way of life. I can think of no better reason to get involved now and I feel that just as our veterans answered their call, I have a duty to try and end this economic threat. I am doing so by getting involved and helping my dad in this election.
I can’t tell you how supportive the crowds were during the parades. One lady exclaimed from the sides “Mike we are proud of you! We are so proud of you!” right after that a man yelled, “Can’t wait to see you in the Governor’s office!” I know we are on the right track to win and he is the right guy. Later this week I will be talking about his major policy roll out, the Blueprint for Prosperity. For now, I encourage you to take a look at some pictures I have posted, visit his website BouchardforGovernor.com and check back in later! Happy Memorial Day and God Bless America!