MI mission

Hey there!

Thanks for checking out my blog! Before you dive in, allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Mikayla Bouchard, I just finished my junior year at Michigan State University where I am majoring in Theatre and International Relations. Interesting combination, you say! I know, and I'm the first to admit it. I have a passion for relationships; the ones we see develop in a story onstage or on film and the relationships that drive society and public policy. I jump at the opportunity to combine expression with politics and here is one such opportunity!

I am blessed with the most amazing family and friends in the world. They have supported me in my every endeavor so when my dad, Mike Bouchard, announced his campaign for Governor, I was eager to do my part to help. This election comes at an integral point in both of our lives. I have seen my dad's career as a legislator, police officer and entrepreneur develop to the point where he is uniquely prepared to become our next Governor. At the same time, I near the end of my college education and look to begin a career of my own. Like many of my friends, I fear that the current status of Michigan and her economy will not provide the life and job I am looking for.

For those reasons and many others, I am bringing a new voice and perspective to this campaign. I want to introduce you to my dad and give you a behind the scenes look at our journey on the campaign trail. Along the way, I hope to meet and talk with many of you who also want to see a brighter future for our Great Lake State! Let's put an end to job loss, debt, corruption and moving vans heading out of Michigan. It's time we, as the next generation, make a difference in this next election. I encourage you to get to know the candidates. I'm sure that you will agree that Mike Bouchard is the best choice for Governor!


Monday, June 7, 2010

All Hands on Deck

Happy Monday everyone! Since my last post the campaign has been absolutely a buzz with Town Halls all over the state, continued conversations on the Blueprint for Prosperity, and the Detroit Regional Chamber of Commerce Conference on Mackinac Island including a gubernatorial debate with all seven candidates.
         Wednesday morning began with an early 4:45 am wakeup call as about 20 volunteers met and boarded a bus to Mackinac Island. The ride was about 5 hours to Mackinac City, the majority of which I spent learning how to play Euchre. Even now I can’t tell you all the rules of the game but we had a lot of laughs as my partner and I were still able to somehow pull out a win!
On the island, Team Bouchard put up signs and welcomed conference goers with information about my dad while answering any questions they had. I was also proud to say that my dad won the Chamber's poll as the most electable candidate for governor in the general election. I have to give a shout out to Arnold Transit Co. and Shepler’s Mackinac Island Ferry. They were very kind in allowing us to post our signs and work the docks throughout the day, an important part of the democratic process to let us spread our message! While on the docks, I had a chance to chat with Detroit News writer Leonard Fleming who pointed out that we were the only campaign he saw working the island as he arrived. Seemed like he was pretty impressed with the energy and enthusiasm of our crew. You can read his blog post by clicking here.
After a long but successful day we boarded the ferry once again and headed back to the city. The next morning I met my dad in St. Ignace where he held a Town Hall answering any and all questions ranging from education to tax reform. That kind of open forum is so important during an election for voters to get a straight answer from the candidates and voice the issues on their mind. After the Town Hall we took the ferry over to the Island and headed up to the Grand Hotel for a gubernatorial debate with all the candidates. 
For those who saw it, they can attest to the fact that it was appropriate the debate was held in the theatre—it was full of drama. Being a theatre student myself, I love a good drama, but only when the plot challenges us to think about its message and contemplate whether or not we agree with it. Debates, however, should be about the issues and I was more than relieved when my dad asked if we could focus on the problems facing Michigan rather than continuing the fireworks. Off the Record correspondent, Tim Skubick, once said that my dad isn't a candidate that “turns on the fog.” I think a debate forum, especially this last one, proves just that. He will give you a straight answer, even if he thinks you may not agree. He gives his opinion honestly and audience members resonate with that. I was thrilled to hear many of the reactions to the debate, the resounding thought being that he walked away with it!
The next day we left Mackinac and headed to Traverse City for some press hits and then over to Grand Rapids for another packed Town Hall. I only have a couple pictures (see below) of the week as my camera broke (grr) but will hopefully have a replacement soon! Overall the trail kept us very busy last week so Sunday a few of the women of Team Bouchard--Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land, Terri’s daughter Jessica, my mom and myself--took a couple hours to go see Phantom of the Opera at the Wharton Center in East Lansing! It was the perfect way to rejuvenate before another busy week that is already in motion. Check back again soon and I hope you are all enjoying a little of this sunshine!

Ps. If you want to watch the episode of Tim Skubick’s Off the Record that featured my dad, click here!